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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 10.02.2022

Abundant Life Resources Ltd & it’s charity, LIFE Church Ministries, (which includes LIFE Centre Events, LIFE Daycare, The Retail Shop & The Coffee Shop) are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you when you use this website, access one of our services or book into one of our events. LIFE Church Ministries is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Our data officer can be contacted regarding any queries about this policy on

  • What information do we collect about you?
  • How will we use that information about you?
  • Sharing your information
  • How long will we keep your data?
  • Your rights
  • Requesting access to, updating & removing your data
  • Complaints
  • Cookies
  • Changes to our privacy policy
  • How to contact us

YouTube Terms of Service

Our video pages use YouTube embeds which follow the YouTube terms of service. Please read their most up to date ToS on the YouTube Terms Of Service page.

Google Privacy Policy

Our video pages use YouTube embeds which follow the Google Privacy Policy. Please read their most up to date Privacy Policy at the Google Privacy Policy page.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect information about you when you submit an enquiry, access one of our services (i.e. register your child in LIFE Daycare), provide your details requesting further information, book into an event, give financially to the charity or request to join our mailing list. We may also collect your data in the form of CCTV footage used to maintain security on our campuses, and in the form of photos & videos taken at one of our events.

How will we use that information about you?

We initially collect information about you to process your enquiry, manage your booking or process your giving. We may then use your information to provide you with any service(s) we have agreed with you. We may process your information in selecting ‘Lookalike audiences’ for advertising and marketing via Social Media.

We may also contact you with information about further services or events that may be of interest to you, or to invite you to take part in feedback in relation to our services and events. In the case of financial giving, we may contact you to update you about our work or to invite you to fundraising and other events. We may also process personal information in order to protect the vital interests of you or another person; for example in pastoral care situations. We do not use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you. Most commonly, we will use your personal data where it is necessary for our legitimate interests. Legitimate Interest means the interest of LIFE Church UK in conducting and managing our activities to enable us to give you the best church community, events, products and services and the best and most secure experience. We make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights before we process your personal data. You can obtain further information about how we assess our legitimate interests against any potential impact on you by emailing

Photos and videos may be used as a part of our social media, web & marketing campaigns.

Sharing your information

We will not normally share any information we hold about you with others without your prior consent, unless one of the following exceptions apply. Information may be shared between LIFE Church staff or with authorised volunteers in order to effectively provide services to you. We may disclose information we hold about you if:

  • If we feel there is a legitimate interest for us to do so. A legitimate interest analysis will be conducted to ascertain where this is appropriate
  • It is necessary for law enforcement or similar purposes
  • To review the quality of our services – for example, we regularly employ auditors to inspect our files and assist with maintaining high levels of security & integrity across our organisation. HMRC also have the right to review our files to ensure we are complying with their rules
  • As a necessary part of providing you with our service(s) or contacting you as a member, donor or customer – for example, by using a third party mailing house to process our communications
  • As a necessary part of ensuring we comply with our legal obligations as a data controller – for example, sending information to HMRC for gift aid purposes

Third parties we may share your data with based on these reasons are:

  • HMRC
  • Mailchimp
  • Textlocal
  • Paypoint
  • Sage
  • Brushfire
  • Church Suite
  • My Concern
  • Facebook
  • Buffer
  • CAF Donate
  • Just Giving
  • Paypoint
  • G-Suite
  • The Inter Group

How long will we keep your data?

We will retain your information for as long as you are registered with us as interested in or using our services. You may request at any time for your information to be removed from our database or to change the way you are contacted (see Requesting access to, updating & removing your data section below). Even if your information is removed from our database, some personal data will continue to be archived in line with HMRC or other legal regulations, or to continue providing you with a service you are currently using.

Your rights

As an individual, you have control over what information we hold about you, how it is used, and whether you are happy for us to keep it. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) states that you have:

  • The right to be informed – to know what information we collect about you and why. This Privacy Policy is in response to this right.
  • The right of access – to see what information we hold about you and to verify the lawfulness of our processing of your data
  • The right to rectification – to rectify the information we hold if it is incomplete or inaccurate
  • The right to erasure – “to be forgotten”; to have your information removed
  • The right to restrict processing – to change the way in which we use your data
  • The right to data portability – to obtain your information in order to transfer it to another service or organisation
  • The right to object; and – to object to the way in which we are using your data
  • The right not to be subjected to automatic decision making including profiling – to have your information removed from any databases subject to automatic decision making processes
  • The right to opt out of being photographed or videoed at one of our events

To exercise any of your rights regarding your personal information, please contact the data officer on

Requesting access to, updating & removing your data

You have the right to request details of all the information we hold about you. To do this, you should email us on . There is no charge for this, however if you are making multiple requests for the same information, we retain the right to charge an administration fee. We will respond to your request within 1 month, unless clarification is required.

You also have the right to ask us to update your information or have it removed from our database. This can be done using the same process as above.


In the first instance, we would ask that all complaints regarding the handling of your data be sent directly to our data officer via email to, or in writing to Data Officer, LIFE Church, Wapping Road, Bradford, BD3 0EQ.

If you feel your complaint has not been handled appropriately, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


Certain parts of our website use cookies. Cookies are text files placed on our computer  to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and produce statistical reports. For more information about cookies visit

You can set your browser not to accept cookies, however a few features of our website may not work correctly as a result.

Secure Certificate

All payment transactions on are carried out over an SSL Encrypted secure connection. We do this using industry standard technology. The padlock symbol, at the bottom of your browser window confirms this level of encryption. If you click on this, you will see our Verisign secure certificate, meaning your data is online visible to us.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy policy was last updated on 10th February 2022.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you.

Post: Data Officer, LIFE Church, Wapping Road, Bradford, BD3 0EQ

For more information about your legal rights in relation to the information we hold about you, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office at